use [spacebar] to advance.
keep going... you'll know when it's over.
sometimes I feel like this...
sometimes I feel like this...
sometimes I feel like this...
and my mind feels like this...
and people around me make me feel like this...
and people around me make me feel like this...
and in attempt to forget the pain,
and in attempt to forget the pain, I ultimately become this...
and in attempt to forget the pain, I ultimately become this...
and when I deal with other people,
and when I deal with other people, they make me feel like this...
and I look out into the sky sometimes
and I look out into the sky sometimes and I see this...
and I look out into the sky sometimes and I see this...
and it seems like it turns into this...
and all of its light
and all of its energy
is gone.
it all feels gone.
but then I think of you
and you, you turn...
and you, you turn...
and you, you turn...
with all its light
with all its light and all its energy.
and you turn...
and you turn...
and that's all I could ever want.
although I know I don't always show it,
you mean the world to me.
I love you
The Moment of Love Project

What is this?

This is the Moment of Love project. If you were sent this, it likely means that the person who sent it to you loves you and wants to make that known. If you've simply stumbled upon this, I encourage you to go out and to use this now to tell someone you love them. All you have to do is link them right to this page. If you don't want to do that (or feel its too personal), just tweet or make a Facebook post about it. Spread the love, and give someone else the opportunity!

This project was conceived by web developer Aaron Weiss in an effort to help others express their appreciation for their loved ones. Sometimes, it's hard to tell someone you love them and other times, you simply forget to do so. The Moment of Love project wants to help remind you though. Do what you can and spread the love. Tell others how much you care about them. If everyone took a few moments to appreciate everyone they loved, the world would be a happier place. Thank you.

Didn't feel right? Try the original version.

How does it work?

This whole site runs on open source web technologies. It's all powered by HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. Everything you're seeing happens client-side and as a result, this whole site is, by nature, open source. However to provide an easy way of managing the code and any contributions to it, this site is hosted on GitHub. If you'd like to make a contribution, feel free to submit a pull request. It's appreciated and you will receive much love.

Inspirations and Acknowledgements

If you saw this and felt like "Hey, I've seen this before," it's probably because I'm not without my influences. The colors used in this site are from DesignModo's wonderful FlatUI. The design for the text transitioning system was inspired by The Quiet Place Project. The domain for this project was graciously donated by my good friend, Mitchell Andrews. You can find Mitch on Twitter as @wobbier. The song is the opening movement of Glassworks composed by Philip Glass and looped brilliantly by Peter Atashian. Thank you to all of them for making this possible.